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    Pyridoxine hcl (VIT B6 hcl)

    This product is not available at the moment

    Pyridoxine hcl is used to treat or prevent low levels of vitamin B6 in people who have a deficiency of this fundamental vitamin. Most people get enough vitamin B6 through their diet. Since your body cannot produce vitamin B6, you must obtain it from foods or supplements, but certain populations may be at risk for deficiency. 


    Pyridoxine hcl plays an important role in the body. It is needed to maintain the health of nerves, red blood, and skincare and may even prevent and treat chronic diseases. On the other hand, It has been used to prevent or treat certain nerve disorders caused by some medications.

    *The US FDA has not evaluated these ingredient claims. The nutraceutical ingredient is not intended to diagnose or cure any disease.

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    Active compounds
    Vitamin B6.
    Functional benefits
    • Improve mood
    • Reduce Alzheimer’s risk
    • Treat nausea during pregnancy
    Capsules, softgels, tablets, injections.